The disease of addiction is a relentless foe. It ruins lives, shatters families and crushes dreams. For years, the Jewish community was reluctant to admit that addiction even existed among Jews. The painful truth, though, is that Jews are as susceptible to addiction as anyone. Acknowledging the problem is the first step to finding a solution.
The Jewish Recovery Center is as a key resource for Jewish addicts in recovery, their families and the recovering Jewish community in Palm Beach County. Located in the ‘Mecca for Recovery’ for the United States, the JRC has close working relationships with leading programs and addiction experts, providing a vital link for those seeking treatment in south Florida. We offer referrals, screenings and emergency placement for detox, as well as aftercare management including our sober house for those completing in-patient treatment.
JRC Director Rabbi Meir Kessler also serves as spiritual adviser to top treatment providers gaining ready access to executives and clinical staff for all issues concerning the Jewish addict, from rapid intervention to discharge planning and aftercare management. The JRC is committed to ensure that all Jews who need recovery are given the opportunity and resources, as well as guiding family members on their parallel journey.
Through our programs, we maintain a strong presence in the Jewish recovery community offering all a chance to experience the fusion of Jewish values, heritage, traditions and culture within the 12-step programs of recovery. Through our activities, events and workshops, we bring Torah and fellowship to Jews in recovery through continued support and fellowship.
- Holiday and Shabbos dinners
- Lecture Series by world renown spiritual leaders
- Spiritual Retreats with members of Jewish recovery community
- Support groups for alumni and parents
- Group outings for sports and cultural events
Our continuing goal is to provide Jewish alcoholics and addicts a welcoming and confidential environment in which they can pursue their recovery and benefit from spiritual fellowship and camaraderie.